Level 1: Tonya Trappe. Sadie's Big Day at the Office
The team arrives for another day at the office. The workers are happy, but their bosses have a surprise for them. Is it going to be a nice surprise-or not?
Komanda ierodas uz citu dienu birojā. Strādnieki priecājas, bet priekšniekiem ir pārsteigums. Vai tas būs jauks pārsteigums vai nē?
Level 1: Rabley. Marcel goes to Hollywood Book & CD Pack
Marcel and his friend Céline are on holiday in Los Angeles. They are staying in the home of Arnold Waldman, a famous film director. But on the first night of their holiday, kidnappers take away Arnold’s daughter…
Marsels un viņa draudzene Selīna atpūšas Losandželosā. Viņi uzturas slavenā kinorežisora Arnolda Valdmena mājās. Taču atvaļinājuma pirmajā vakarā nolaupītāji aizved Arnolda meitu...
Level 1: Irving. Rip van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow Book and CD Pack
Rip Van Winkle walks into the mountains one day and meets some strange old men. He comes home 20 years later. One dark night, Ichabod Crane is riding home and sees a man on a black horse behind him. The man has no head. Are there ghosts in these stories?
Rips Van Vinkls kādu dienu ieiet kalnos un satiek dīvainus vecīšus. Pēc divdesmit gadiem viņš pārnāk mājās. Kādā tumšā naktī Ichabod Crane brauc mājās un ierauga aiz sevis vīrieti melnā zirgā. Vīrietim nav galvas. Vai šajos stāstos ir spoki? Ko tu domā?
Level 2: Jack London. White Fang
White Fang is a wolf from the mountains of Canada. His life is hard but he is happy in his world. Then he is taken to the world of men. There he learns to fight and to kill. White Fang knows nothing about love. But one day he meets Scott.
Baltais ilknis ir vilks no Kanādas kalniem. Viņa dzīve ir grūta, bet viņš ir laimīgs savā pasaulē. Tad viņš tiek aizvests uz vīriešu pasauli. Tur viņš mācās cīnīties un nogalināt. Baltais Ilknis neko nezina par mīlestību. Bet kādu dienu viņš satiek Skotu.
Level 3: Johann Wyss. The Swiss Family Robinson
‘It was the seventh day of the storm. We didn’t know where we were. Everyone on the ship believed that death was very near.’The Robinson family do not die at sea; they find their way to a small island. But what can they do now? Where will they live? What will they eat? Luckily, the father and their mother have useful skills and they can teach their four young sons. But how long will they be there, on the island?
"Tā bija septītā vētras diena. Mēs nezinājām, kur esam. Ikviens uz kuģa ticēja, ka nāve ir ļoti tuvu.” Robinsonu ģimene nemirst jūrā; viņi atrod ceļu uz nelielu salu. Bet ko viņi var darīt tagad? Kur viņi dzīvos? Ko viņi ēdīs? Par laimi, tēvam un viņu mātei ir noderīgas prasmes un viņi var mācīt savus četrus mazos dēlus. Bet cik ilgi viņi būs tur, uz salas?
Level 2: Laura Miller. Awake at Night CLIL
Amy and Jack are on vacation. They are visiting Max. It is dark. They cannot sleep. Suddenly, Amy points. "Look!" she says. "What are they?" Bats, birds, butterflies, moths...? Learn about animals of the night!
Eimija un Džeks ir atvaļinājumā. Viņi ciemojas pie Maksa. Ir tumšs. Viņi nevar gulēt. Pēkšņi Eimija norāda. "Skaties!" viņa saka. "Kas viņi ir?" Sikspārņi, putni, tauriņi, naktstauriņi...? Uzziniet par nakts dzīvniekiem!
Level 3: Nicola Schofield. Disney Frozen II
Elsa and Anna loved their father’s stories about the Enchanted Forest, but they had questions. Years later, Elsa hears a voice. With her friends, she follows it all the way to the Enchanted Forest. But does she find the answers she’s looking for?
Elzai un Annai ļoti patika sava tēva stāsti par Apburto mežu, taču viņām radās jautājumi. Pēc gadiem Elza dzird balsi. Kopā ar draugiem viņa tam seko līdz pat Apburtajam mežam. Bet vai viņa atrod atbildes, ko meklē?
Level 3: Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister and they are lost in the forest. They find a pretty house, made of cookies and candy. But who lives there and what does she want to do with the children?
Hansels un Grietiņa ir brālis un māsa, un viņi ir apmaldījušies mežā. Viņi atrod skaistu māju, kas izgatavota no cepumiem un konfektēm. Bet kas tur dzīvo un ko viņa vēlas darīt ar bērniem?
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